Family & Community Engagement

Our Lady of Victories has an active and enthusiastic parent body and is traniostioning it's model tot eh new diocesan model of PARENT AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (FACE). The group formally meets every month but also strives to enhage parents and families in regular activities which enhance the education of their children at Our LAdy of VIctories

All parents/guardians of students are automatically members of the FACE Group and we invite you to be an active participant.

The primary objectives of the FACE are to:

  • contribute to the wellbeing of the school community — students, parents and staff
  • encourage the participation of all parents/guardians in the life of their school and in the education of their children
  • operate democratically and inclusively, providing opportunities for parents/guardians to develop links within the school community.

The primary focus of the FACE is to provide an opportunity for parents to contribute valuable input in the direction for Our Lady of Victories and to stay informed of developments around the school. The support of the FACE is integral to the efficient running of the school. The FACE can be  a fundraising body as well as a social and education arm of the school community. It has a responsibility for the running of several committees within the school.

The FACE  meets on the fourth Monday of each month during the term in the Library at 7pm. Notice is given via the school newsletter and Skoolbag app before the meeting advising of the agenda.

We look forward to working with these parents as your representatives throughout the year.
